Frequently Asked Questions
Can I pay my ground rent by cheque or debit/credit card?
We no longer accept payment by cheque because of the cost of processing the payments. We are soon withdrawing the facility to pay by debit/credit card (by telephone) as this engages us in considerable extra work and there’s always the potential threat to confidential data. As anyone with cheque book account or debit card will know, payment by BACS (Banks Automated Clearing System) is easy and simple. Just either call in to your branch, telephone the bank or use your internet banking facility to make the payment. Our account details are on your rent demand.
I am thinking of selling my house/ flat. What do I need to do?
You should advise your solicitor to contact us because he/she will require answers to what is called the Leasehold Property Enquiries which will be raised by your purchaser. These are extensive forms which need completion with care and in detail to provide information for your buyer. We can provide the answers in a timely manner and please see the page on our website which details the charges.
I need to prove I have paid my ground rent. How can I do this?
Simply click here to obtain a ground rent receipt.
I would like to extend my home. Do I need your consent?
Invariably, the lease of your house will provide that you should not make alterations to it or extend it without obtaining our consent. This is for the better protection of tenants adjoining and because the houses were often built to a design which necessitates uniformity. If you wish to apply for consent please click here which is a link to the form that needs to be completed and the process involved. A fee is payable for this service.
I have received a ground rent bill but it is not addressed to me. What should I do?
if you have had a ground rent reminder which is not addressed to you, you should speak to the solicitors who acted for you when you bought the house/ flat. This is because there is an obligation in the lease to advise us formally of any change in ownership and we cannot amend the records or take payments where the tenant details are incorrect.
I would like to extend the lease of my flat/ house. How would I do this?
Our clients are usually happy to provide terms for the extension of your lease of your house/flat and if you would like to pursue this, please click here, complete the form and make the payment necessary so that we can action your request.
I would like a price for buying the freehold. How do I do this?
As for the extension of the lease of your house/flat simply click here to complete the form we require and to make the payment and we will be happy to provide an indication of the terms. Please note we cannot provide terms for the sale of the freehold of a flat.